Our new school year starts next week! I cannot believe it's already here! We usually try to start the first full week in August, so we can take more breaks throughout the year. That way, Momma and boys, don't get burnt out!
I have spent the last few weeks getting prepared for the new year. I have had to come up with a workable schedule for us, decide what courses Lane needed this year, worksheets needed printed, supplies bought, and everything put together. I'm almost done.
I always make a schedule for us, but we never stick to it. Too crazy and busy of a life! LOL!!! But, Lane is starting HIGHSCHOOL this year, so it is VERY important to have something in place so he can get all his work done. So, I worked really hard trying to come up with one that I think will work. Everyday, we have to do the daily chores, have some Family Worship Time, Schoolwork, and make sure we get some downtime. All work and no play can make for a cranky Momma some cranky kids. None of us like to get up early, but we are going to have to anyway. Lane will not finish his workload otherwise. So, we might as well all join him.
We will be using
Easy Peasy for most of our work, but we also have a few add-ons. We have used
Math U See for years. This year we will try out the new
Spelling U See. I'm very excited about that. Spelling is the one subject I've had a hard time finding what I like. Plus, we will be using a couple of things from
Christian Light Education (CLE).
Easy Peasy has everything we need, plus it's free! Can't beat that!! They have a math program, too, but I decided to stick with the Math U See. I like it better. There is spelling, as well, but I am such a terrible speller, and the boys are following in my footsteps, so I thought I better add to that with the Spelling U See. The things we will be doing from CLE are just extras.
Of course, there will be other things in our schedule. Lane still plans to join the Homeschool Group (SCCHEA) Basketball Team. Blake should be joining his SCCHEA Robotics Team soon. We'll go to the Library often. Our SCCHEA Co-op will be starting in the Fall, and we'll have another one in the Spring. And other things will probably be added!
They have all enjoyed their Summer Vacation! Lots of Playing, Gardening, Playing, Mowing, Playing, Cleaning, Playing, Helping Poppaw and Nanny, Playing, Visiting Grandma and Pappaw, Playing, Camping with Daddy, Playing, Swimming, and Playing! But, the time has come for lots of Schooling!
Over the next 4 days, I'll break down what each boy will be doing this school year. But, for now, I will leave you all with some recent photos of the boys and some of the things we've done this Summer!

Lane - will be 15 just 3 weeks from today! Ack! Where has the time gone?
He is now in High School, starting the 9th grade.
He is growing up so fast and becoming a wonderful young man.
Jacob - 12 years old and can't wait to be a TEENAGER! He is starting 7th grade.
Still my artist and still wishing for Art Classes. I'm still looking for one we can afford. I may have found one. :-) This child is going on a growing spree and is so sweet!
Blake - going to be 10 in a couple of months! He will be in the 3rd grade this year.
Still my little goofy boy, he is so capable of anything he puts his mind to. Cannot wait to see what he decides to be, when he grows up. But, I'm more than willing to be patient! ;-)
Landon - my 6 year old! Can't believe my baby is now a Big First Grader!!
Ever one to love on his Momma, this child is my Ray of Sunshine. Not a day goes by, that he doesn't say something funny and unexpected! LOL!!!
Discovering Butterflies, Katydids, and Caterpillars of Unusual Sizes;
Watching Wasps Building their Nest; and Playing with Fireflies for the First Time!
Momma learning how to can Green Beans and make Crock Pot Strawberry Jam!
Growing Wheat from all the Hay that had been scattered in the yard to cover up the mud, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and Lettuce! Still waiting on those Carrots!
And visiting with Family we haven't seen in 10 years!!!
Left to Right: Aunt Cheryl (haven't seen her
since Blake was born), Mom, and Aunt Linda!!
Cousin Carrie (haven't seen her in
almost as long), with my Mother!!
God Bless You All! Hope you've enjoyed your Summer, as much as we have!!
Ecclesiastes 3:1
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: